Απολυτίκιο του Αγ. Λαυρεντίου – 10 ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΟΥ /


10 august


 Pomenirea Sfintilor Mucenici Lavrentie (Laurentiu) arhidiaconul, Xist (Sixt), papa Romei, si Ipolit.

Lavrentie arhidiaconulSfântul Sixt (sau Xist) era grec din nastere si studiase filozofia la Atena inainte de a veni sa se instaleze la Roma sub domnia imparatului Valerian in vremea pontificatului Sfântului Stefan I (253-257, praznuit la 3 august). Mai intii favorabil crestinilor, imparatul – care cazuse sub influenta magilor si ghicitorilor egipteni dupa o nefericita expeditie in Orient – publica un edict interzicând practicarea in public a cultului crestin si cerea tuturor clericilor sa se inchine zeilor, amenintându-i cu exilul in caz contrar. Sfântul Stefan fusese una dintre primele victime ale acestei persecutii iar Sixt fu consacrat pentru a-i succeda. Persecutia spori atunci si fu decretata executia Episcopilor, Preotilor si Diaconilor in baza simplei constatari a identitatii lor, in timp ce laicii urmau sa fie condamnati injosirii si muncilor fortate. Sfântul Sixt fu atunci arestat si condus, dupa un prim interogatoriu, la renumita inchisoare Mamertine (n. tr. : unde au fost inchisi si Sfintii Apostoli Petru si Pavel). Pe drum, Arhidiaconul sau Lavrentie il intâlni si ii spuse in lacrimi : „Unde te duci, Parinte, fara fiul tau ? Ce jertfa te pregatesti sa aduci fara Diaconul tau ? M-ai gasit cumva nedemn de aceasta ? Vei refuza tu sa-ti fie alaturi pentru a-si varsa sângele pe cel pe care l-ai primit intru Sfintele Taine ?”. Episcopul ii raspunse : „Nu fiule, nu te parasesc, dar lupte inca si mai mari te asteapta. Noi, ca batrânii, ne-am angajat intr-o lupta usoara. Dar pe tine, tânar viguros, te asteapta o victorie si mai plina de glorie asupra tiranului. Nu mai plânge. Peste trei zile Diaconul ii va urma Preotului”. Si inainte de a-i da sarutul pacii, ii incredinta administrarea in numele sau a bunurilor Bisericii. Lavrentie isi indeplini pe data sarcina dupa voia lui Dumnezeu, impartind bogatiile Bisericii la clerici si la saraci. Pe muntele Coelius intâlni o vaduva, ce se numea Domnita, care ascundea pe multi crestini. Profita de intunericul noptii pentru a le aduce bani si haine si trecea apoi din casa in  casa, vindecând pe bolnavi si spalând picioarele credinciosilor, asemeni Domnului.

Cum Papa fusese condamnat sa i se taie capul pe Via Appia, Sfântul Lavrentie ii iesi in cale si ii striga : „Nu ma lasa, Parinte Sfânt, pentru ca am impartit deja comorile pe care mi le-ai incredintat”. Auzind vorbindu-se de comori, soldatii il prinsera imediat si pe Lavrentie si il dusera in fata tribunului Partenius care il instiinta pe imparat. Aruncat in inchisoare si dat in paza tribunului Ipolit, Sfântul Lavrentie vindeca prin rugaciunea sa si aduse la credinta pe un orb numit Lucillus. Auzind vestea, alti numerosi orbi alergara la el si fura cu totii vindecati de catre sfânt, care in plus il boteza pe Ipolit impreuna cu celelalte nouasprezece persoane ce se aflau in casa lui.

Convocat de catre Valerian, care il soma sa ii dea comorile, Lavrentie ceru sa i se aduca trei zile mai târziu un mare numar de care. Intre timp el convoca in casa lui Ipolit orbi, schiopi, bolnavi si nenorociti de tot soiul, apoi, punându-i in care, veni sa ii prezinte la palat anuntând : „Iata comorile vesnice ale Bisericii, care nu se imputineaza si sporesc mereu, care sint raspândite in fiecare si se regasesc in toti”. Cuprins de furie, Valerian striga : „Inchina-te idolilor si uita arta magica in care te marturisesti”. Sfântul Lavrentie ii raspunse ca nimic nu putea sa il faca sa accepte cultul demonilor in locul Facatorului tuturor lucrurilor. Atunci fu supus chinurilor si aruncat in inchisoare. Dupa un al doilea interogatoriu la palatul lui Tiberiu pe colina Palatino, i se pusera pe trup lame de fier inrosit in foc si fu  batut cu bice plumbuite  si lanturi cu cârlige la ambele capete. In fata rezistentei sale supranaturale, un soldat, pe nume Roman, marturisi pe Hristos si fu pe loc executat.

Un al treilea interogatoriu avu loc la Termele situate lânga palatul Salluste. Imparatul ceru sa  fie sfarâmate cu pietre maxilarele Sfântului apoi dadu ordin sa fie dezbracat de hainele sale si sa fie intins pe un gratar asezat pe carbuni aprinsi. Somat pentru ultima data sa se inchine idolilor, Lavrentie raspunse : „Eu ma dau ca jertfa placut mirositoare singurului Dumnezeu adevarat, pentru ca jertfa ce se cuvine lui Dumnezeu este o inima infrânta si smerita” (Psalmii 50 :18). Pe când calaii atâtau focul, el spuse tiranului : „Invata, nenorocitule, ca acest jaratec ma racoreste dar pe tine te va chinui vesnic. Acum ca sint ars pe o parte, intoarce-ma pe partea cealalta !”. Când fu intors ma spuse o ultima rugaciune : „Multumesc Tie, Iisuse Hristoase, pentru ca m-ai invrednicit sa intru pe portile Imparatiei Tale”. Apoi isi dadu duhul.

Ipolit merse sa il ingroape in secret pe proprietatea vaduvei Domnita alaturi de Preotul Iustin (La vreo 50 de ani ma târziu, Sfântul Constantin construi o biserica lânga catacomba unde fusese ingropat Sfântul Lavrentie, situata pe Via Tiburtina, la est de Roma. Iar in secolul al VI lea cripta fu transformata intr-o mare biserica dar mormântul ramase tot in acelasi loc.). Dar Ipolit fu denuntat si in curând arestat, insa un Inger veni sa il elibereze si il duse in casa lui unde isi lua cu dragoste ramas bun de la parintii sai si de la slugile casei si le oferi la toti o masa sarbatoreasca. Erau cu totii la masa când soldatii se ivira si il luara din nou pe Ipolit pentru a-l conduce in fata imparatului. Sperând sa ii invinga hotarârea, suveranul ceru ca el sa fie acoperit de distinctii militare si ii promise onoruri inca si mai mari. Dar Sfântul ramase neclintit si declara ca nu mai voia decât o singura cinstire : aceea de a sluji in armata lui Hristos. Butut cu lanturi cu cârlige la ambele capete, fu apoi legat de cai salbatici care il târâra pe curajosul Mucenic pe o distanta mare. Astfel câstiga el palma victoriei, precedat de doica sa, Concordia, si de oamenii din casa lui pe care ii adusese la credinta. Se povesteste ca la sapte zile dupa martiriul sau, Sfântul Ipolit i s-a aratat imparatului si fiului sau care se duceau la amfiteatru si ca i-a batut cu lanturi de foc nevazute.

Martiriul sau e consemnat la 13 august de cea mai veche Viata a sa, data ce corespunde pomenirii in traditia latina. Dar poate ca ar trebui sa il indentificam cu Sfântul Ipolit poment la30 ianuarie (nascut catre 235).

Οἱ Ἅγιοι Λαυρέντιος ὁ ἀρχιδιάκονος, Ξυστὸς πάπας τῆς Ρώμης καὶ Ἰππόλυτος, μαρτύρησαν τὸ 53 μ.Χ.

Ὅταν ἔγινε ὁ διωγμὸς κατὰ τῶν χριστιανῶν, ὁ πάπας τῆς Ρώμης Ξυστός, ὁμολόγησε πρῶτος τὴν πίστη του στὸν Κύριο, μὲ ἀποτέλεσμα νὰ θανατωθεῖ μὲ ἀποκεφαλισμό.

Κατόπιν συνέλαβαν τὸν Ἅγιο Λαυρέντιο, ὁ ὁποῖος ἔχριζε διαχειριστὴςτῆς Ἐκκλησιαστικῆς περιουσίας. Τοῦ ζητήθηκε νὰ παραδώσει τοὺς θησαυροὺς τῆς Ἐκκλησίας. Ὁ Λαυρέντιος τότε, τοὺς παρουσίασε τοὺς φτωχούς, τὰ ὀρφανὰ καὶ ὅσους εἶχαν ἀνάγκη τὴν συνδρομὴ τῆς Ἐκκλησίας καὶ τοὺς εἶπε ὅτι αὐτοὶ ἦταν οἱ θησαυροί της. Γιὰ αὐτὸ τὸ τόλμημά του, οἱ εἰδωλολάτρες τὸν βασάνισαν, ψήνοντάς τον ζωντανό.
Τὸ λείψανο τοῦ Ἁγίου Λαυρεντίου τὸ παρέλαβε ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰππόλυτος.Μόλις ὅμως μαθεύτηκε αὐτή του ἡ πράξη, ἡ ἡγεμόνας διέταξε τὸν βασανισμό του. Ἔτσι μαρτύρησε καὶ ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰππόλυτος.

Ἀπολυτίκιο. Ἦχος γ’. Τὴν ὡραιότητα.
Τῷ θείῳ Πνεύματι, καταυγαζόμενος, ὡς ἄνθραξ ἔφλεξας, πλάνης τὴν ἄκανθαν, Ἀρχιδιάκονε Χριστοῦ, Λαυρέντιε Ἀθλοφόρε· ὅθεν ὡς θυμίαμα, λογικὸν ὡλοκαύτωσαι, τῷ σὲ μεγαλύναντι, τῷ πυρὶ τελειούμενος· διό τοὺς σὲ τιμῶντας θεόφρον, σκέπε ἐκ πάσης ἐπηρείας.

Κοντάκιον. Ἦχος β’. Τὰ ἄνω ζητῶν.
Πυρὶ θεϊκῷ, φλεχθεῖς τὴν καρδίαν σου, τὸ πῦρ τῶν παθῶν, εἰς τέλος ἐναπέσβεσας, Ἀθλητῶν ἑδραίωμα, θεοφόρε Μάρτυς Λαυρέντιε· καὶ ἐν ἄθλοις ἐβόας πιστῶς· Οὐδέν με χωρίσει, τῆς ἀγάπης Χριστοῦ.

Χαίροις ὁ Διάκονος τοῦ Χριστοῦ, ὁ διακονήσας, ἐν τῇ χάριτι εὐσεβῶς· χαίροις ὁ τελέσας, διὰ πυρὸς ἀνδρείως, τὸν ἔνθεον ἀγῶνα, Μάρτυς Λαυρέντιε.

The Martyrs Archdeacon Laurence, Pope Sixtus, Deacons Felicissimus and Agapitus, the Soldier Romanus were citizens of Rome, and suffered in the year 258 under the emperor Valerian (253-259). Holy Pope Sixtus, born at Athens, received a fine education, preached in Spain and was made bishop in Rome following the martyr’s death of Holy Pope Stephen (253-257, commemorated on August 2). These were times when a pope occupying the Roman throne, was known to choose death for the faith. In a short while St Sixtus also was arrested and put in prison together with his deacons Felicissimus and Agapitus. 

When the holy archdeacon Laurence visited Pope Sixtus, whom they held in prison, he cried out with tears: „Whither art thou gone, father? Why hast thou forsaken thine archdeacon, with whom always thou hast offered the Bloodless Sacrifice? Take thy son with thee, that I may be thy companion in having blood shed for Christ!” St Sixtus answered him: „I have not forsaken thee, my son. I am old and go to an easy death, but yet greater sufferings await thee. Know, that after three days upon our death thou shalt follow after me. And now go, take the church treasury and distribute it to the poor and needy Christians.” St Laurence zealously did the bidding of the holy hierarch. 

Having heard, that Pope Sixtus had been taken to trial with the deacons, St Laurence went there so as to witness their deed, and he said to the holy bishop: „Father, I have already fulfilled thy command, and distributed by hand thine treasury; forsake me not!” Hearing something about treasure, soldiers put him under guard, and the other martyrs were beheaded (+6 August 258). The emperor locked up St Laurence in prison and ordered the chief jailer Hyppolitus to keep watch over him. In prison St Laurence with prayer healed the sick gathered together with him and he baptized many. 

Astonished by this, Hyppolitus himself believed and accepted Baptism from St Laurence together with all his household. Soon the archdeacon Laurence was again brought to the emperor and commanded to produce the hidden treasure. St Laurence answered: „Give me a period of three days, and I shalt show thee this treasure”. During this time the saint gathered up a crowd of the poor and the sick, who ate only because of the charity of the Church, and bringing them he explained: „Here are the vessels in which is contained the treasure. And everyone, who puts their treasure in these vessels, will receive them in abundance in the Heavenly Kingdom”. 

After this they gave St Laurence over to fierce tortures, urging him to worship idols. The martyr was scourged (with a fine iron flail with sharp needles), they burned his wounds with fire, and struck at him with metal switches. At the time of the martyr’s suffering, the soldier Romanus suddenly cried out: „St Laurence, I behold a bright youth, who standeth about thee healing thy wounds. Beseech thy Lord Christ not to forsake me!” After this they stretched St Laurence on a rack and returned him to prison to Hyppolitus. Romanus brought there a waterpot with water and besought the martyr to baptize him. And immediately after the Baptism of the soldier, he was beheaded (+9 August). When they took St Laurence to his final torture, St Hyppolitus wanted to declare himself a Christian and die together with him, but the confessor said: „Conceal for now thy confession in thy heart. 

After some length of time I shall summon thee, and thou shalt hear and come unto me. Weep not for me, but rather rejoice, for I go to receive a glorious crown of martyrdom.” They placed him in an iron cage, under which they set an intense fire, and the flames of the fire flicked towards the body of the martyr. St Laurence, glancing at the governor, said: „Here now, you burn only but one side of my body, turn over the other and do my whole body”. Dying, he uttered: „I thank Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, that Thou hast accounted me worthy to enter into Thy gates” — and with these words he gave up the spirit. 

St Hyppolitus took the body of the martyr by night, he wrapped it in a shroud with ointments and gave it over to the priest Justin. Over the relics of the martyr in the home of the widow Kyriake they made an all-night vigil and Divine Liturgy. All the Christians present partook of the Holy Mysteries and with honor they buried the body of the holy martyr Archdeacon Laurence in a cave on 10 August 258. St Hyppolitus and other Christians suffered three days after the death of St Laurence (13 August), as he had foretold them of this.

Un comentariu la „10 august: TROPARUL ŞI VIAŢA SF. LAVRENTIE (LAURENŢIU) (Gr, Ro, En)

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