Απολυτίκιο Κατάθεσης Τ. Ζώνης Θεοτόκου – 31 ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΟΥ
31 august
Pomenirea punerii în sfânta racla a Cinstitului brâu al Preasfintei de Dumnezeu Nascatoarei, în cinstita ei casa, care este în Halcopratia, unde a fost adus de la episcopia Zilas, în zilele împaratului Iustinian; si minunea ce s-a facut prin punerea Cinstitului brâu deasupra împaratesei Zoe, sotia împaratului Leon cel întelept.
Împaratul Arcadie, feciorul lui Teodosie cel Mare, scotând cinstitul brâu al Preasfintei de Dumnezeu Nascatoarei din Ierusalim, caci acolo era pastrat cu cinstita ei haina pâna în acea vreme de o femeie fecioara, l-a adus în Constantinopol, si l-a pus într-un sicriu luminat, pe care l-a numit si sfânta racla. Deci trecând 410 ani, a deschis acea sfânta racla împaratul Leon cel întelept, pentru femeia sa Zoe, care era chinuita de duh necurat, si care vazuse si dumnezeiasca vedenie; ca de s-ar pune peste dânsa cinstitul brâu, s-ar lecui. Si s-a aflat cinstitul brâu stralucind ca si cum ar fi fost tesut atunci nou, având o pecete tiparita în aur; si hârtie Codicel lipita, care arata cu numarul, vremea, indictionul si ziua în care fusese adus sfântul brâu în Constantinopol si cum a fost pus de mâinile împaratului Arcadie în racla, pecetluita fiind de dânsul. Acest brâu sarutându-l împaratul, si întinzându-l peste împarateasa cu mâna patriarhului ce era atunci, o, minune, îndata s-a mântuit de boala împarateasa, si toti slavind pe Mântuitorul Hristos si dând laude de multumire Preacuratei Maicii Lui, l-au pus iarasi în acea racla unde era mai înainte.
Σήμερα ἡ Ἐκκλησία μας γιορτάζει τὴν ἀνακομιδὴ τῆς τιμίας Ζώνης τῆς Θεοτόκου. Οἱ γνῶμες γιὰ ποὶος αὐτοκράτορας τὴν ἔκανε διίστανται, ἄλλοι λένε ὅτι ἔγινε ἀπὸ τὸ βασιλιὰ Ἀρκάδιο καὶ ἄλλοι ἀπὸ τὸ γιό του, Θεοδόσιο τὸν Β’.
Ἡ τιμία Ζώνη μεταφέρθηκε ἀπὸ τὴν Ἱερουσαλὴμ στὴν Κωνσταντινούπολη καὶ τοποθετήθηκε σὲ μία χρυσὴ θήκη. Ἡ θήκη αὐτή, ὀνομάστηκε Ἁγία Σωρός. Ὁ βασιλιὰς Λέων ὁ Σοφός, ἄνοιξε τὴν Ἁγία Σωρό, μετὰ ἀπὸ 410 χρόνια γιὰ νὰ ἐπικαλεσθεῖ τὴν Θεία Χάρη της, ἐπειδὴ ἡ σύζυγός του διακατείχετο ἀπὸ ἕναν δαίμονα.
Ἀφοῦ λοιπὸν τὴν προσκύνησαν, ὁ Πατριάρχης ἅπλωσε τὴν τίμια Ζώνη ἐπάνω στὴ βασίλισσα καὶ ἀμέσως ἐλευθερώθηκε ἀπὸ τὸ δαιμόνιο.
Ἀπολυτίκιον. Ἦχος πλ. δ’.
Θεοτόκε Ἀειπάρθενε, τῶν ἀνθρώπων ἡ σκέπη, Ἐσθῆτα καὶ Ζώνην τοῦ ἀχράντου σου σώματος, κραταιὰν τῇ πόλει σου περιβολὴν ἐδωρήσω, τῷ ἀσπόρῳ τόκῳ σου ἄφθαρτα διαμείναντα· ἐπὶ σοὶ γὰρ καὶ φύσις, καινοτομεῖται καὶ χρόνος. Διὸ δυσωποῦμέν σε, εἰρήνην τῇ πολιτείᾳ σου δώρησαι, καὶ ταῖς ψυχαῖς ἡμῶν τὸ μέγα ἔλεος.
Ἕτερον Ἀπολυτίκιον. Ἦχος δ’. Ταχὺ προκατάλαβε.
Πρὸς δόξαν ἀκήρατον, ἀνερχομένη Ἁγνή, χειρί σου δεδώρησαι, τῷ Ἀποστόλῳ Θωμᾷ, τὴν πάνσεπτον Ζώνην σου· ὅθεν Παρθενομῆτορ, τὴν κατάθεσιν ταύτης, ἄγοντες χαρμοσύνως, τὴν σὴν χάριν ὑμνοῦμεν, δι’ ἧς περιζωννύμεθα, ἰσχὺν ἀήττητον.
Κοντάκιον Ἦχος β’. Τὴν ἐν πρεσβείαις.
Τὴν θεοδόχον γαστέρα σου Θεοτόκε, περιλαβοῦσα ἡ Ζώνη σου ἡ τιμία, κράτος τῇ πόλει σου ἀπροσμάχητον, καὶ θησαυρὸς ὑπάρχει, τῶν ἀγαθῶν ἀνέκλειπτος, ἡ μόνη τεκοῦσα Ἀειπάρθενος.
Σύνδησον ἀγάπῃ εἰλικρινεῖ, Κεχαριτωμένη, Παντευλόγητε Μαριάμ, τοὺς τῇ καταθέσει, τῆς σῆς παντίμου Ζώνης, ὑμνοῦντας τὰς ἀπείρους, εὐεργεσίας σου.
The Placing of the Venerable Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos in a church of Constantinople’s Chalcoprateia district took place during the reign of the emperor Theodosius the Younger. Before this the holy relic, entrusted to the Apostle Thomas by the Mother of God Herself, was kept by pious Christians at Jerusalem after Her Dormition. During the reign of Emperor Leo the Wise (886-911), his wife Zoe was afllicted with an unclean spirit, and he prayed that God would heal her.
The empress had a vision that she would be healed of her infirmity if the Belt of the Mother of God were placed upon her. The emperor then asked the Patriarch to open the coffer. The Patriarch removed the seal and opened the coffer in which the relic was kept, and the Belt of the Mother of God appeared completely whole and undamaged by time. The Patriarch placed the Belt on the sick empress, and immediately she was freed from her infirmity. They sang hymns of thanksgiving to the Most Holy Theotokos, then they placed the venerable Belt back into the coffer and resealed it.
In commemoration of the miraculous occurrence and the twofold Placing of the venerable Belt, the Feast of the Placing of the Venerable Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos was established. Parts of the holy Belt are in the Vatopedi monastery on Mt. Athos, in Trier monastery, and in Georgia.