Cum se manifestă harul lui Dumnezeu? Spun Sfinţii Părinţi că harul se manifestă prin trei lucruri: prin lumină, prin muzică şi prin mireasmă.
Din cauza aceasta în Sfântul Munte, unde tipicul se respectă cu stricteţe, celor trei lucruri li se dau o deosebită importanţă. Lumina este riguros controlată în funcţie de momentul slujbei, tipicul specificând până la ultima lumânare de când şi până când se va aprinde. În cazul muzicii se fac multe repetiţii, asta dincolo de faptul că este specificat ce şi cum se va cânta în fiecare moment al slujbei.
În cazul tămâiei se ştie cine va tămâia, cu ce va tămâia (ce tip de cădelniţă sau căţuie) şi când va tămâia.
Aceasta deoarece omul este victimă a influenţelor şi din cauza aceasta trebuie făcut totul pentru a trăi momentul duhovnicesc al slujbei la intensitatea maximă posibilă.
Şi aceasta pentru că dincolo de cele trei manifestări de mai sus principala manifestare a harului lui Dumnezeu este în inima omului.
Depinde însă de noi să primim harul înlăuntrul nostru.
În fotografia de alaturi este un tânăr monah cu căţuia pregătită aşteptând pentru a tămâia în trapeză.
How does God’s grace manifest itself? The Holy Fathers say that the grace manifests itself through three things: light, music and fragrance.
Because of this in the Holy Mountain, where the ritual is strictly respected, those things are highly taken in account. Light is strictly controlled according with the moment of the service everything is specified till the very last candle when and how much will be lit. In the case of music, there are a lot of rehearsals and that is beyond the fact that everything is specified what and how must be sung at every moment of the service.
In the case of incense it is determined who will incense, with what incense (what type of censer or thurible) and when he will incense.
Humans are prompt of influences so everything must be done to help them live the spiritual moment of the service at the maximum possible intensity.
And this is because apart from the three ways depicted above, the main manifestation of God’s grace is in the human heart.
So it depends on us to receive the grace.
In the picture above is a young monk with a censer ready to incense the refectory.
Πώς εκδηλώνεται η χάρη του Θεού; Οι Άγιοι Πατέρες λένε ότι η χάρη εκδηλώνεται μέσα από τρία πράγματα: το φως, τη μουσική και το άρωμα.
Λόγω αυτού, στο Άγιο Όρος, όπου το τελετουργικό είναι απολύτως σεβαστό, τα τρία αυτά πράγματα λαμβάνονται σε μεγάλο βαθμό υπόψη. Το φως είναι αυστηρά ελεγχόμενο, σύμφωνα με τη κάθε στιγμή της ακολουθίας, είναι καθορισμένο μέχρι το τελευταίο κερί πότε και ποιό θα είναι αναμμένο. Στην περίπτωση της μουσικής, υπάρχουν πολλές πρόβες και αυτό είναι πέρα από το γεγονός ότι τα πάντα είναι καθορισμένα ως προς το τι και πώς πρέπει να τραγουδιέται σε κάθε στιγμή της ακολουθίας…
Στην περίπτωση του θυμιάματος είναι προδιαγεγραμμένο ποιος θα θυμιάσει, με τι θυμίαμα (το είδος του θυμιάματος και του θυμιατηριού) και πότε θα θυμιάσει.
Οι άνθρωποι είναι επιρρεπείς σε αντιπερισπασμούς, ώστε πρέπει να γίνει οτιδήποτε δυνατό για να τους βοηθήσει ναζήσουν την πνευματική στιγμή της ακολουθίας με τη μέγιστη δυνατή ένταση.
Και αυτό γιατί εκτός από τους τρεις τρόπους που περιγράψαμε πιο πάνω, η κύρια εκδήλωση της χάριτος του Θεού είναι η ανθρώπινη καρδιά.
Γι ‘αυτό εξαρτάται από εμάς αν λάβουμε τη χάρη.
Στην παρακάτω φωτογραφία είναι ένας νεαρός μοναχός με ένα θυμιατήρι έτοιμος να θυμιατίσει την τράπεζα.