Starețul Efrem – Rămas bun și arestul preventiv pe nedreptate /The Abbot Ephraim – Farewell Day (SPECIAL PHOTO REPORT) / Ο Γέροντας Εφαίμ – Ο αποχαιρετισμός

Starețul Efrem – Rămas bun și arestul preventiv pe nedreptate/

The Abbot Ephraim – Farewell Day (SPECIAL PHOTO REPORT) /

Ο Γέροντας Εφαίμ – Ο αποχαιρετισμός



Luni seară Sfânta Kinotită (consiliul de conducere a Sf. Munte format din toţi reprezentanţii celor 20 de mănăstiri din Sf. Munte) a descins la Vatoped, prezentând o scrisoare de susţinere la adresa obştii mănăstirii precum şi a stareţului acesteia. Evenimentul a fost unul istoric, pentru prima dată după mulţi ani Sfânta Kinotită se întâlneşte cu obştea unei mănăstiri la ea acasă, într-un astfel de mod.

Membrii Kinotitei şi-a exprimat pe de o parte sprijinul faţă de mănăstirea încercată iar pe de altă parte au dezaprobat arestul preventiv aplicat părintelui Egumen Efrem, o măsură abuzivă ce încalcă atât legile Greciei cât şi pe cele ale Sf. Munte. Adunarea a avut loc fără prezenţa părintelui Efrem care era la chilie, bolnav.

De asemenea Sfânta Koinotită l-a vizitat pe Părintele Stareţ la chilie reasigurăndu-l de sprijinul acesteia precum şi de faptul că se va înainta o scrisoare către Procurorul Curtei Supreme de Justiţie, Ioannis Tendes în care Sfânta Koinotită garantează pentru p. Stareţ Efrem că nu va părăsi mănăstirea.

Pe de altă parte, p. Efrem, cu toate că este bolnav, a decis să se prezinte autorităţilor, pentru a nu da loc la bănuieli şi suspiciuni, chiar şi fără voie (datorită bolii sale) şi chiar dacă este acuzat total pe nedrept.

Luni seara târziu toată obştea s-a adunat în holul neîncăpător de lângă chilia părintelui stareţ (chilia fiind de dimensiuni total neîncăpătoare, aprox. 2.5 x 3 m) pentru a asculta ultimul cuvânt de folos. Atmosfera a fost foarte caldă şi duhovnicească. Cu această ocazie, părinţii i-au pregătit un cadou p. Stareţ: o icoană mică cu Iisus întemniţat.

Marţi dimineaţa înainte de plecare s-a oficiat Paraclisul Maicii Domnului.


Το βράδυ της Δευτέρας η Ιερά Κοινότητα (το διοικητικό συμβούλιο του Αγίου Όρους, που σχηματίζεται από τους αντιπροσώπους των 20 μονών του Αγίου Όρους) ήρθε στη Μονή Βατοπαιδίου και παρέδωσε μια επιστολή υποστήριξης στην αδελφότητα της μονής και στον ηγούμενο της. Ήταν ένα ιστορικό γεγονός, για πρώτη φορά μετά από πολλά χρόνια, η Ιερά Κοινότητα συναντά μια αδελφότητα στην ίδια της την μονή με τέτοιο τρόπο.

Τα μέλη της Ιεράς Κοινότητας εξέφρασαν από τη μία πλευρά, την υποστήριξη για το μοναστήρι και από την άλλη πλευρά, αποδοκίμασε τη σύλληψη του ηγούμενου Εφραίμ, που αποτελεί καταχρηστικό μέτρο και παραβιάζει τους νόμους της Ελλάδα και τους νόμους του Αγίου Όρους. Η συνάντηση πραγματοποιήθηκε χωρίς την παρουσία του Πατέρα Εφραίμ ο οποίος ήταν στο κελί του, άρρωστος….

Αμέσως μετά, η αντιπροσωπεία της Ιεράς Κοινότητας επισκέφθηκε τον Ηγούμενο στο κελί του, καθησυχάζοντας τον για την υποστήριξή της και ενημερώνοντας ότι θα υποβάλει μια επιστολή προς τον Εισαγγελέα του Αρείου Πάγου, Ιωάννη Τέντε στην οποία η Ιερά Κοινότητα του Αγίου Όρους θα εγγυάται ότι ο Γέροντας Εφραίμ δεν θα φύγει από το μοναστήρι.

Από την άλλη πλευρά, ο Γέροντας Εφραίμ, αν και άρρωστος, αποφάσισε να παρουσιαστεί στις αρχές, ώστε να μην αφήσει περιθώρια για αμφιβολίες ή υποψίες, ακόμη και ακούσια (λόγω της ασθένειάς του), ακόμη και αν κατηγορείται άδικα.

Την Δευτέρα το βράδυ ολόκληρη η αδελφότητα συγκεντρώθηκε σε ένα πολύ μικρό διάδρομο δίπλα στο κελί του ηγουμένου (το κελί είναι πολύ μικρό, είναι περίπου. 2,5 x 3 m) για να ακούσει την τελευταία πνευματική ομιλία του. Η ατμόσφαιρα ήταν πολύ ζεστή και πνευματική. Με την ευκαιρία αυτή, η αδελφότητα ετοίμασε ένα δώρο για τον Ηγούμενο: μια μικρή εικόνα με τον Ιησού φυλακισμένο.

Τρίτη πρωί πριν από την αναχώρηση, οι μοναχοί έκαναν Παράκληση στη Μητέρα του Θεού σε μια εκπληκτική ατμόσφαιρα. Ήταν εντυπωσιακό το πώς όλοι οι πατέρες από το μοναστήρι και πολλοί άλλοι από το Άγιον Όρος έλαβαν μέρος στην ακολουθία ψάλλοντας  με απόλυτη αφοσίωση και συναίσθημα για την Μητέρα του Θεού και του Ηγουμένου τους. Όλοι πήραν την ευλογία του  πατέρα Εφραίμ, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των αστυνομικών που ήταν να τον συνοδεύσουν και που απολάμβαναν την φιλοξενία και δωρεάν γεύματα στη Ιερά Μονή Βατοπαιδίου για 3 (τρεις) ημέρες.

Υπήρχαν αρκετές αστυνομικές δυνάμεις και όλοι οι αστυνομικοί ήταν εντελώς συγκλονισμένοι, με όσα συνέβαιναν. Μερικοί απ ‘ αυτούς ακόμα έκλαιγαν.

Επίσης εντυπωσιακή ήταν η στάση των πατέρων που γνώριζαν ότι Ηγούμενος τους είναι ομολογητής: για μερικούς η χαρά είναι μεγαλύτερη επειδή θεωρούνταν άξιοι ενός τέτοιου ηγούμενου, άλλοι ήταν λυπημένοι επειδή θα τους λείψει και άλλοι ήθελαν να θυσιαστούν γι ‘αυτόν, όπως μια έκφραση της αγάπης.

Αλλά θεωρώ ότι οι λέξεις είναι πολύ περιορισμένες για να εκφράσουν αυτό που συνέβη και γι ‘αυτό σας αφήνουμε να απολαύσετε τις συγκλονιστικές φωτογραφίας.


On Monday Evening the Holy Community (the Governing Board of the Holy Mountain, that is formed by the representatives of the 20 monasteries of the Mount Athos) came to Vatopaidi and presented a letter of support to the monastery’s brotherhood and its abbot. It was a historic event, for the first time in many years the Holy Community meets a brotherhood in its own monastery in such a way.

The members of the Holy Community expressed on one hand the support for the monastery and on the other hand they disapproved the arrest of the Abbot Ephraim which is an abusive measure that violates the laws of Greece and the laws of the Holy Mountain. The meeting took place without the presence of the Father Ephraim who was in his cell, sick .

Right after , the Holy Community visited the Abbot at his cell, reassuring him of its support and that it will submit a letter to the Supreme Court’s District Attorney, Ioannis Tendes in which the Holy Community of Mount Athos guarantees that Elder Ephraim will not leave the monastery.

On the other hand, p. Ephraim, though sick, decided to present to the authorities, in order not to give room for doubts or suspicion, even unintentionally (due to his illness) and even if he is accused unjustly.

On Monday evening the whole brotherhood gathered in a very small hall next to the abbot’s cell (the cell is way too small, it is approx. 2.5 x 3 m) to hear his last spiritual homily. The atmosphere was very warm and spiritual. For this occasion, the brotherhood prepared a gift for the Abbot: a small icon with Jesus imprisoned.

Tuesday morning before departure, the monks did a Paraklisis to the Mother of God in a stunning atmosphere. It was impressive how all the fathers from the monastery and many others from the Holy Mountain took part at the service chanting with a total devotion and emotion to the Mother of God and their Abbot. Everyone took the blessing from father Ephraim, including the police officers who were to escort him, officers that enjoyed the hospitality and free meals at Vatopaidi for 3 (three) days.

There were enough police forces but all policemen were totally overwhelmed, by what was happening. Some of them even cried.

Also impressive was the attitude of the fathers which were aware that their Abbot is a confessor: to some the joy is prevailing because they were considered worthy of such an abbot, others were sad because they will miss him and others wanted to sacrifice for him as an expression of love.

But I consider that words are too limited to express what happened and that’s why I let you enjoy photo report.
