Are the Copts orthodox? Sunt Coptii ortodocsi?
Interview with father Athanasios Henein, former coptic monophysite priest converted to Orthodoxy. Father Athanasios was also the head of the Coptic Monophysite Community of Athens and all Greece and was close to the Coptic Patriarch Shenouda the 3rd. Currently, father Athanasios is an Archpriest in the Orthodox Metropolitanate of Piraeus.
Interviu cu parintele Athanasios Henein, fost preot copt monofisit convertit la Ortodoxie.
Parintele Athanasie a fost seful Comunitatii Monofisite Copte din Atena si din toata Grecia, apropiat al Patriarhului Copt Senuda al III-lea. In prezent, parintele Athanasie este Protoprezbiter in Mitropolia Ortodoxa a Pireului.