Orthodox Bishop Responds to Recent Roman Catholic Synod

Orthodox Bishop Responds to Recent Roman Catholic Synod

By Seraphim Danckaert in The Sounding

Metropolitan Kallistos Ware, author of several popular books on Orthodox Christian faith and life, has offered his thoughts after observing the Roman Catholic Church’s recently concluded Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.

The synod discussed, among other things, topics related to the family, receiving wide-spread media coverage throughout the world.

While many commentators portrayed the story in typical categories (liberals take on conservatives, or vice versa), Metropolitan Kallistos highlighted two facets of the proceedings:

1. The possibility that a way may be found to offer mercy and sacramental reconciliation to divorced and remarried Catholics, a change in Catholic practice that would align more closely with the Eastern Orthodox approach.

2. The value of the synodal process itself, which appeared more robust and collegial than in previous years, and is therefore more reflective of how the Orthodox Church addresses matters of faith and Christian life.

Watch the short video embedded above for Metropolitan Kallistos’ comments.

Source: http://myocn.net